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  • Unlocking the Elegance of Tox: Enhancing the Lower Face and Beyond

    In the realm of aesthetic enhancements, the versatility of botulinum toxin, commonly referred to as "tox," knows no bounds. While often associated with smoothing wrinkles in the upper face, its transformative potential extends far beyond, offering subtle yet significant enhancements to the lower face and neck. Join me, Nurse Sunshine de la Cruz, as we explore the elegance of tox in revitalizing the lower face, targeting areas such as the DAO (Depressor Anguli Oris), chin, and platysmal bands. Depressor Anguli Oris (DAO) The DAO, a muscle responsible for pulling down the corners of the mouth, can contribute to the appearance of a downturned mouth or a perpetually sad expression. By precisely administering tox to the DAO muscles, we can achieve a subtle lift at the corners of the mouth, imparting a more cheerful and youthful appearance. This targeted approach restores balance to the lower face, harmonizing facial expressions and enhancing overall facial aesthetics. Chin Enhancement The chin plays a crucial role in facial symmetry and proportion, yet it is often overlooked in discussions of facial rejuvenation. Tox injections in the chin area can soften dimpling, minimize the appearance of mental creases, and even subtly reshape the chin for a more balanced profile. By relaxing the mentalis muscle, which is responsible for chin movement, tox treatments can refine the chin contour and achieve a smoother, more refined appearance. Platysmal Bands As we age, the platysma muscle in the neck can become more prominent, resulting in the formation of vertical bands or cords known as platysmal bands. These bands can contribute to an aged or sagging appearance of the neck, detracting from overall facial harmony. Through meticulous injections, tox can effectively relax the platysma muscle, reducing the prominence of platysmal bands and restoring a more youthful and contoured neck. Combining Artistry with Science Central to the success of tox treatments in the lower face is the delicate balance between artistry and scientific precision. As an experienced aesthetic nurse, I approach each treatment with a keen understanding of facial anatomy and a commitment to personalized care. By customizing treatment plans to suit each patient's unique goals and anatomy, I ensure natural-looking results that enhance their inherent beauty. The Power of Tox In conclusion, the transformative power of botulinum toxin extends far beyond wrinkle reduction, offering elegant solutions for enhancing the lower face and neck. With careful consideration of facial anatomy and a skilled hand, tox treatments can rejuvenate the lower face, redefine the chin, and rejuvenate the neck, empowering individuals to embrace their beauty with confidence. As Nurse Sunshine de la Cruz, I'm dedicated to guiding my patients on their journey to radiant, rejuvenated skin, one injection at a time. Whether you're seeking to refine your smile, enhance your chin, or rejuvenate your neck, tox treatments offer a versatile and effective solution for achieving your aesthetic goals. If you're ready to explore the possibilities of tox for the lower face and beyond, schedule a consultation today and discover the transformative potential of this remarkable treatment.

  • Liposuction and Fat Transfer: Exploring Ideal Candidates, Risks, and Benefits

    Liposuction and fat transfer are two cosmetic procedures often performed in tandem to sculpt and contour the body, providing individuals with enhanced definition and symmetry. While these procedures offer transformative results, it's essential to understand who the ideal candidates are, as well as the potential risks and benefits associated with each. Ideal Candidates for Liposuction and Fat Transfer: Liposuction: Ideal candidates for liposuction are individuals who are at or near their ideal body weight but have localized areas of stubborn fat deposits that are resistant to diet and exercise. Candidates should have good skin elasticity, as liposuction removes excess fat but does not address loose or sagging skin. Candidates should be in good overall health, with realistic expectations about the procedure results. Fat Transfer: Ideal candidates for fat transfer are individuals looking to enhance volume in specific areas of the body, such as the breasts, buttocks, or face. Candidates should have sufficient donor fat available for transfer, typically from areas such as the abdomen, thighs, or flanks. Candidates should be in good overall health and have realistic expectations about the results of the procedure. Risks of Liposuction and Fat Transfer: Liposuction: Risks associated with liposuction include infection, bleeding, bruising, swelling, and changes in sensation. In rare cases, liposuction may result in uneven contours, skin irregularities, or fluid accumulation. There is also a risk of complications associated with anesthesia, although these risks are minimized with careful patient selection and experienced providers. Fat Transfer: Risks associated with fat transfer include infection, bleeding, bruising, and swelling at both the donor and recipient sites. In some cases, the transferred fat may not survive, leading to asymmetry or the need for additional procedures to achieve the desired results. There is also a risk of overcorrection or undercorrection, resulting in uneven or unnatural-looking contours. Benefits of Liposuction and Fat Transfer: Liposuction: Liposuction can effectively remove localized fat deposits, resulting in improved body contours and enhanced definition. The procedure is minimally invasive and typically requires only small incisions, resulting in minimal scarring and a relatively quick recovery time. Liposuction can be performed on multiple areas of the body in a single session, allowing for comprehensive body sculpting and contouring. Fat Transfer: Fat transfer offers a natural-looking enhancement by using the patient's own fat to augment volume in desired areas. The procedure can achieve long-lasting results, as the transferred fat becomes a permanent part of the body. Fat transfer provides versatility in addressing volume loss in various areas, including the breasts, buttocks, hands, and face, allowing for customized treatment based on individual goals and anatomy. Conclusion: Liposuction and fat transfer are effective procedures for individuals seeking to sculpt and contour their bodies, achieving natural-looking results with minimal downtime. However, it's essential for candidates to understand the risks and benefits associated with each procedure and consult with a qualified and experienced healthcare provider to determine the most suitable treatment plan based on their unique needs and goals. With careful patient selection and expert technique, liposuction and fat transfer can provide transformative results, enhancing confidence and restoring harmony to the body's contours.

  • Treatment of Gummy Smile

    Introduction: In the realm of aesthetic medicine, botulinum toxin, or "tox," has emerged as a versatile tool for addressing a myriad of cosmetic concerns. From smoothing wrinkles to sculpting facial contours, tox treatments offer a comprehensive approach to rejuvenating one's appearance. Nurse Sunshine de la Cruz, an esteemed aesthetic nurse, brings her expertise to light by delving into the diverse applications of tox, including its effectiveness in treating gummy smile. Understanding Gummy Smile: A gummy smile occurs when a significant portion of the gums is visible when smiling, creating an imbalance between the gums and teeth. While smiles are meant to exude warmth and confidence, an excessive display of gum tissue can lead to self-consciousness and dissatisfaction with one's appearance. Nurse Sunshine emphasizes the importance of addressing this concern effectively to restore harmony and confidence to the smile. Tox for Gummy Smile: Nurse Sunshine explains that tox injections can offer a non-invasive solution for reducing the appearance of a gummy smile. "By strategically injecting tox into the muscles responsible for elevating the upper lip, we can relax these muscles and minimize the extent to which the gums are exposed when smiling," she elaborates. This targeted approach allows for a subtle adjustment that maintains natural facial expressions while achieving a more balanced smile. Key Benefits of Tox for Gummy Smile: Precision: Tox injections can be precisely administered to target specific muscles involved in elevating the upper lip, allowing for a tailored treatment approach. Non-Invasive: Unlike surgical interventions, such as gum contouring, tox offers a minimally invasive solution with little to no downtime. Natural Results: By selectively relaxing the muscles, tox treatments for gummy smiles maintain natural facial movements and expressions while reducing gum exposure. Patient Experience and Satisfaction: Nurse Sunshine underscores the transformative impact of tox treatments on patients with a gummy smile. "Many individuals who undergo tox injections for gummy smiles experience a newfound sense of confidence in their smile," she notes. "They appreciate the subtle yet significant improvement in their appearance, which enhances their overall self-esteem." Collaborative Approach: In concluding her insights, Nurse Sunshine highlights the importance of a collaborative approach between patients and aesthetic providers in achieving optimal outcomes. "Effective treatment planning involves thorough assessment, open communication, and a shared understanding of the patient's goals," she advises. By fostering a partnership based on trust and transparency, Nurse Sunshine ensures that each patient receives personalized care tailored to their unique needs. Conclusion: As Nurse Sunshine de la Cruz elucidates, the versatility of tox extends beyond traditional applications, encompassing the treatment of gummy smile among its many capabilities. With meticulous technique and a keen eye for aesthetics, Nurse Sunshine empowers individuals to embrace their smiles with confidence, knowing that effective solutions are within reach. Through her expertise and dedication, Nurse Sunshine continues to illuminate the transformative potential of tox treatments, enriching the lives of her patients one smile at a time.

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  • AFTER CARE: SCAR CAMOUFLAGE | Arawan Artistry Aesthetics

    AFTERCARE INSTRUCTIONS FOR SCAR CAMOUFLAGE MICROPIGMENTATION Please follow these instructions to improve and prolong the results of micropigmentation. Even when following these aftercare instructions, fading, blurring or poor retention may still happen depending on your skin and lifestyle. Everyone heals and accepts the pigment differently. How your body heals is out of our control. Healed results will vary between each individual client, based on their skin type, their skin condition, immune system, metabolism, overall health, and lifestyle. Our aftercare instructions are meant to help you achieve the best results and reduce the chances of getting an infection. ​ These instructions are not a guarantee that your results will last for any certain period of time, nor is it guaranteed problems will not arise. ​ You should have... ​ Have realistic expectations: Camouflage tattooing will not completely restore skin to the way it looked before it was injured. The process will not “erase” a scar or skin anomaly so it appears completely gone and the area looks “perfect” again. It improves color differences to help disguise the scar or anomaly and make it less noticeable to other people. Do not spend time tanning: A scar camouflage tattoo will not be a “perfect” match to the surrounding skin color. This is due to the constant changes in skin tones from blood flow, body temperature, and tanning. The pigment in the tattoo will not darken if it is exposed to sunlight or tanning booths, so the tattoo may appear lighter if the surrounding skin tans. When the tattoo color matches tanned skin, it may appear darker once the surrounding tanned skin fades. Therefore, if you spend time outdoors, you will need to adjust your lifestyle or decide to match the tattoo to “winter” or “summer” skin and live with the changes in between. Again, the sun will fade the pigment faster and the scar camouflage tattoo will not tan like the normal surrounding skin and therefore tanning may enhance the appearance of the scar. Pigment particles exposed to the UV rays of the sun break down over time. To prevent premature fading, you will need to use sunblock consistently. Avoiding the sun, tanning beds, retinol, alpha hydroxy, and use of glycolic acids such as fruit acids commonly found in some toners, cleansers and moisturizers will help with the longevity of your scar camouflage tattoo. ​ Do not expect results in one session: Camouflage re-pigmentation is a process, not a one-time “cure”. It is performed on “unhealthy” skin that has been damaged or altered. Its response cannot be predicted—a scar or vitiligo patch may have areas that absorb pigment, reject it, or both. The area will look dark and red immediately after a tattooing session, and then it takes several weeks to show the healed color and sometimes, unfortunately, more work is needed for the “just right” target color.. This requires time and patience. Scar camouflage is an unpredictable process. Therefore, testing the color over the compromised skin is the starting point for determining an appropriate combination of pigments to match the skin. Cosmetic or medical tattooing healed pigment becomes 30%-50% lighter from when the pigment was initially implanted. We will start with four sessions and additional sessions may be required for color matching and touch ups. While scar camouflage is meant to improve the lack of color and lightness of your scar, it cannot bring back an exact match of color and shade to your skin prior to your injury. Realistic expectations should be set to 70-80% improvement in scar appearance. ​ Scar Camouflage Post-Care Information & Instructions Right after the scar camouflage procedure, the tattoo pigment on your skin will appear dark, your skin may look red and inflamed. Inflammation lasts between 2 to 3 days. ​ Expect treated areas to be tender for the next few days. The procedure area may be red, swollen or have a discharge of interstitial fluid and blood for at least 12 hours post procedure. Gently dab off excess interstitial fluid from the procedure area with a clean tissue and distilled water or bottled water. Remember that you should wipe off the interstitial fluid to avoid getting a thick crust. ​ The procedure area will be much darker for the first few days post procedure. The true color will not be visible for 4 weeks post procedure and for each color refresher. ​ Tissue heals at different levels and duration. Some people heal within 14 days and some will take 14 or more days to heal. ​ The treated area will appear darker immediately after the procedure. This is common in all pigment insertion applications. ​ Do not touch the healing pigmented area with your fingers unless its clean. Touching the treated area with your unclean fingers, unclean cotton swabs, old products or other, may result in infection. If you need to touch the area, use a clean cotton swab. ​ No sauna, jacuzzi, steam, exercise hot yoga, swimming in chlorine pools or in the ocean till the area is completely healed after initial procedure or color refreshers. ​ Do not expose the treated area to the sun until the procedure area has healed. The sun will fade the pigment. Do not wear makeup on the treated area until it has healed. You might cause an infection or otherwise damage the micropigmentation. ​ Do not apply makeup or skincare products on the treated area for 2 weeks. Do not pick or disturb the camouflaged or pigmented areas. Picking can cause scarring or undesirable pigmentation loss. Refrain from sun exposure and always use an SPF 40 or higher on the treated area when exposed to the sun. ​ Touch-up visits should be scheduled between 6-12 weeks post procedure. Scar Camouflage can take several sessions to complete. Depending on the treatment area and the work needed it can take from 3 to 6 sessions and some even more. Results cannot be determined until all sessions are completed. ​ If you resume the Retin-A, Retinol, or Retinoids after the 30 days, the continued use will fade the micropigmentation work prematurely. ​ Do not use any lightening and peeling products that contain AHA’s, Vitamin A, Retinol A, Glycolic/Lactic Acids on the treated area; it will fade your tattoo/permanent makeup prematurely. ​ If you are out in the sun a lot, have oily skin, using Retinol products, chemical peels, then you will need color refreshers more often. ​ On average scar camouflage tattoos last anywhere between 2 to 5 years. Healing process varies with each individual but here is a guide to help with scar camouflage day-to-day expectations. Day 1 Clean the skin for the first 3 hours after the procedure using a damp cotton with a clean bottled water or distilled water. Before bed, wash using lukewarm water very gently removing the interstitial fluid, pat dry and apply ointment. ​ *Have a shortened shower with tepid to lukewarm water for the next 5-7 days. ​ You may shower the night of the procedure and nightly after. Allow mild soap to run through the pigmented area and lightly rub with finger tips. Pigment running off with the water is normal. Dab gently to dry. ​ Apply after care cream lightly to allow for airflow while keeping the site hydrated. Day 2 Oily or dry skin may wash one more time in the morning and at night if the skin eliminates interstitial fluid, pat dry and apply thin layer of after care cream. If there are no fluid then keep the treated area hydrated with the after care cream as needed and only if the area feels dry and tight. Day 3-10 Everyone’s skin has its own healing process and duration. It is recommended to apply after care cream for as long as the skin is still scabbed and even after to help with moisturizing the pigmented site. The ointment will help your skin regenerate faster and better. During day 1 through day 10 and sometimes longer (until the scabs are gone) Avoid excessive water flow on the treated area, makeup, excessive sweating, no sauna, no pools, and no sunbathing. Do not peel the scabs - peeling may cause scarring. ​ Do not apply petroleum - this is occlusive. You may use the following lightly and provide room for air circulation within the ointment. ​ Do not use creams that contain acids or ingredients that will lighten or exfoliate the skin.

  • GALLERY | Arawan Aesthetics


  • AFTER CARE: FRECKLES | Arawan Artistry Aesthetics

    AFTERCARE INSTRUCTIONS FOR FAUX FRECKLES MICROPIGMENTATION Please follow these instructions to improve and prolong the results of micropigmentation. Even when following these aftercare instructions, fading, blurring or poor retention may still happen depending on your skin and lifestyle. Everyone heals and accepts the pigment differently. How your body heals is out of our control. Healed results will vary between each individual client, based on their skin type, their skin condition, immune system, metabolism, overall health, and lifestyle. Our aftercare instructions are meant to help you achieve the best results and reduce the chances of getting an infection. ​ These instructions are not a guarantee that your results will last for any certain period of time, nor is it guaranteed problems will not arise. ​ HEALING PROCESS. The healing time for faux freckles is relatively quick compared to a normal tattoo. Clients can expect the tattooed area to appear slightly swollen immediately after the treatment itself. However, any redness or swelling should reduce after a few days. ​ On around day three, you will start to notice scabs forming on the tattooed area. Over time, these scabs will start to flake off to reveal beautifully healed results. It is incredibly important that you do not pick or exfoliate the scabs during the healing process as this could lead to patchy, unnatural-looking faux freckles. ​ Below is a breakdown of what to expect and to experience during the first two weeks following the initial procedure: ​ Day One: Redness, swelling and minor irritation around the tattoo area. Day Two: The side effects of day one should have subsided. However, on day two, the scabbing will start. Day Three-Five: A thin film of skin will form over the freckle tattoo. The area might begin to feel dry or itchy. Days Five-Ten: After the tattooed area has healed, any scabs will start to fall off. Days Ten-Fourteen: By the end of the two-week healing process, the scabs should have all fallen off to reveal natural-looking faux freckles. HOW LONG DO TATTOO FRECKLES LAST? Freckle tattoos can last up to three years. However, like any other cosmetic tattoo, they will fade over time. Therefore, if clients want to keep their facial tattoo looking fresh, they will need to book in for an occasional top-up. After the mandatory touch-up 6-8 weeks post initial treatment, most clients return for a faux freckle touch-up once a year, but this all depends on how fast they are fading. In short, clients can get a touch-up as frequently or as rarely as they want. ​ While the tattoo will fade naturally over time, there are a few things clients can do to reduce the speed at which their freckles disappear. These include: Avoiding excessive sun exposure. If you want to sit out in the sunshine, then layer up on SPF to protect the tattoo. Avoiding frequent swimming in chlorinated pools. Avoiding aggressive skin care regimes. Products that include retinol, AHAs, BHAs should not be used on the skin before or after a faux freckle tattoo. These products are used to exfoliate the skin, which can cause premature fading of the freckles. ​ POTENTIAL SIDE EFFECTS OF A FRECKLE TATTOO TREATMENT. As with any cosmetic procedure, there are some potential side effects to freckle tattooing. However, adverse side effects are very rare, and the risks associated with freckle tattoos are low. Potential side effects may include: Swelling Redness Itchiness Tenderness Irritation ​ The above symptoms are completely normal, and to be expected during the first 3 days following the procedure. If, however, such symptoms persist after three days, contact their tattoo provider immediately as they could be suffering from an allergic reaction or infection. ​ FRECKLE TATTOO AFTERCARE. Looking after a freckle tattoo is straightforward, and similar to the aftercare regime of many other cosmetic tattoo procedures. Below are our top tips for keeping faux freckles looking fresher for longer: ​ Wash your face the night of the procedure with a gentle cleanser. Dab dry, do not rub your face dry. Apply a very small amount of ointment such as Aquaphor. Keep your face dry as much as possible besides washing recommendations for at least 24 hours following the initial procedure. After the first day, clients should only wash their face with a very gentle soap. Skin moisturizers should be non-scented as any fragranced products may irritate the skin. Do not exfoliate the tattooed area too much. The scabs formed post-tattoo need to fall off on their own terms to avoid patchy results. To achieve a softer, more natural look, clients can gently exfoliate the area approximately seven to ten days post procedure. Avoid applying makeup to the tattooed area for around ten days. Do not soak the area for at least ten days. This means swimming, saunas and steam baths must be avoided, as well as excessive sweating.

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