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  • AFTER CARE: SCAR CAMOUFLAGE | Arawan Artistry Aesthetics

    AFTERCARE INSTRUCTIONS FOR SCAR CAMOUFLAGE MICROPIGMENTATION Please follow these instructions to improve and prolong the results of micropigmentation. Even when following these aftercare instructions, fading, blurring or poor retention may still happen depending on your skin and lifestyle. Everyone heals and accepts the pigment differently. How your body heals is out of our control. Healed results will vary between each individual client, based on their skin type, their skin condition, immune system, metabolism, overall health, and lifestyle. Our aftercare instructions are meant to help you achieve the best results and reduce the chances of getting an infection. ​ These instructions are not a guarantee that your results will last for any certain period of time, nor is it guaranteed problems will not arise. ​ You should have... ​ Have realistic expectations: Camouflage tattooing will not completely restore skin to the way it looked before it was injured. The process will not “erase” a scar or skin anomaly so it appears completely gone and the area looks “perfect” again. It improves color differences to help disguise the scar or anomaly and make it less noticeable to other people. Do not spend time tanning: A scar camouflage tattoo will not be a “perfect” match to the surrounding skin color. This is due to the constant changes in skin tones from blood flow, body temperature, and tanning. The pigment in the tattoo will not darken if it is exposed to sunlight or tanning booths, so the tattoo may appear lighter if the surrounding skin tans. When the tattoo color matches tanned skin, it may appear darker once the surrounding tanned skin fades. Therefore, if you spend time outdoors, you will need to adjust your lifestyle or decide to match the tattoo to “winter” or “summer” skin and live with the changes in between. Again, the sun will fade the pigment faster and the scar camouflage tattoo will not tan like the normal surrounding skin and therefore tanning may enhance the appearance of the scar. Pigment particles exposed to the UV rays of the sun break down over time. To prevent premature fading, you will need to use sunblock consistently. Avoiding the sun, tanning beds, retinol, alpha hydroxy, and use of glycolic acids such as fruit acids commonly found in some toners, cleansers and moisturizers will help with the longevity of your scar camouflage tattoo. ​ Do not expect results in one session: Camouflage re-pigmentation is a process, not a one-time “cure”. It is performed on “unhealthy” skin that has been damaged or altered. Its response cannot be predicted—a scar or vitiligo patch may have areas that absorb pigment, reject it, or both. The area will look dark and red immediately after a tattooing session, and then it takes several weeks to show the healed color and sometimes, unfortunately, more work is needed for the “just right” target color.. This requires time and patience. Scar camouflage is an unpredictable process. Therefore, testing the color over the compromised skin is the starting point for determining an appropriate combination of pigments to match the skin. Cosmetic or medical tattooing healed pigment becomes 30%-50% lighter from when the pigment was initially implanted. We will start with four sessions and additional sessions may be required for color matching and touch ups. While scar camouflage is meant to improve the lack of color and lightness of your scar, it cannot bring back an exact match of color and shade to your skin prior to your injury. Realistic expectations should be set to 70-80% improvement in scar appearance. ​ Scar Camouflage Post-Care Information & Instructions Right after the scar camouflage procedure, the tattoo pigment on your skin will appear dark, your skin may look red and inflamed. Inflammation lasts between 2 to 3 days. ​ Expect treated areas to be tender for the next few days. The procedure area may be red, swollen or have a discharge of interstitial fluid and blood for at least 12 hours post procedure. Gently dab off excess interstitial fluid from the procedure area with a clean tissue and distilled water or bottled water. Remember that you should wipe off the interstitial fluid to avoid getting a thick crust. ​ The procedure area will be much darker for the first few days post procedure. The true color will not be visible for 4 weeks post procedure and for each color refresher. ​ Tissue heals at different levels and duration. Some people heal within 14 days and some will take 14 or more days to heal. ​ The treated area will appear darker immediately after the procedure. This is common in all pigment insertion applications. ​ Do not touch the healing pigmented area with your fingers unless its clean. Touching the treated area with your unclean fingers, unclean cotton swabs, old products or other, may result in infection. If you need to touch the area, use a clean cotton swab. ​ No sauna, jacuzzi, steam, exercise hot yoga, swimming in chlorine pools or in the ocean till the area is completely healed after initial procedure or color refreshers. ​ Do not expose the treated area to the sun until the procedure area has healed. The sun will fade the pigment. Do not wear makeup on the treated area until it has healed. You might cause an infection or otherwise damage the micropigmentation. ​ Do not apply makeup or skincare products on the treated area for 2 weeks. Do not pick or disturb the camouflaged or pigmented areas. Picking can cause scarring or undesirable pigmentation loss. Refrain from sun exposure and always use an SPF 40 or higher on the treated area when exposed to the sun. ​ Touch-up visits should be scheduled between 6-12 weeks post procedure. Scar Camouflage can take several sessions to complete. Depending on the treatment area and the work needed it can take from 3 to 6 sessions and some even more. Results cannot be determined until all sessions are completed. ​ If you resume the Retin-A, Retinol, or Retinoids after the 30 days, the continued use will fade the micropigmentation work prematurely. ​ Do not use any lightening and peeling products that contain AHA’s, Vitamin A, Retinol A, Glycolic/Lactic Acids on the treated area; it will fade your tattoo/permanent makeup prematurely. ​ If you are out in the sun a lot, have oily skin, using Retinol products, chemical peels, then you will need color refreshers more often. ​ On average scar camouflage tattoos last anywhere between 2 to 5 years. Healing process varies with each individual but here is a guide to help with scar camouflage day-to-day expectations. Day 1 Clean the skin for the first 3 hours after the procedure using a damp cotton with a clean bottled water or distilled water. Before bed, wash using lukewarm water very gently removing the interstitial fluid, pat dry and apply ointment. ​ *Have a shortened shower with tepid to lukewarm water for the next 5-7 days. ​ You may shower the night of the procedure and nightly after. Allow mild soap to run through the pigmented area and lightly rub with finger tips. Pigment running off with the water is normal. Dab gently to dry. ​ Apply after care cream lightly to allow for airflow while keeping the site hydrated. Day 2 Oily or dry skin may wash one more time in the morning and at night if the skin eliminates interstitial fluid, pat dry and apply thin layer of after care cream. If there are no fluid then keep the treated area hydrated with the after care cream as needed and only if the area feels dry and tight. Day 3-10 Everyone’s skin has its own healing process and duration. It is recommended to apply after care cream for as long as the skin is still scabbed and even after to help with moisturizing the pigmented site. The ointment will help your skin regenerate faster and better. During day 1 through day 10 and sometimes longer (until the scabs are gone) Avoid excessive water flow on the treated area, makeup, excessive sweating, no sauna, no pools, and no sunbathing. Do not peel the scabs - peeling may cause scarring. ​ Do not apply petroleum - this is occlusive. You may use the following lightly and provide room for air circulation within the ointment. ​ Do not use creams that contain acids or ingredients that will lighten or exfoliate the skin.

  • GALLERY | Arawan Aesthetics


  • AFTER CARE: FRECKLES | Arawan Artistry Aesthetics

    AFTERCARE INSTRUCTIONS FOR FAUX FRECKLES MICROPIGMENTATION Please follow these instructions to improve and prolong the results of micropigmentation. Even when following these aftercare instructions, fading, blurring or poor retention may still happen depending on your skin and lifestyle. Everyone heals and accepts the pigment differently. How your body heals is out of our control. Healed results will vary between each individual client, based on their skin type, their skin condition, immune system, metabolism, overall health, and lifestyle. Our aftercare instructions are meant to help you achieve the best results and reduce the chances of getting an infection. ​ These instructions are not a guarantee that your results will last for any certain period of time, nor is it guaranteed problems will not arise. ​ HEALING PROCESS. The healing time for faux freckles is relatively quick compared to a normal tattoo. Clients can expect the tattooed area to appear slightly swollen immediately after the treatment itself. However, any redness or swelling should reduce after a few days. ​ On around day three, you will start to notice scabs forming on the tattooed area. Over time, these scabs will start to flake off to reveal beautifully healed results. It is incredibly important that you do not pick or exfoliate the scabs during the healing process as this could lead to patchy, unnatural-looking faux freckles. ​ Below is a breakdown of what to expect and to experience during the first two weeks following the initial procedure: ​ Day One: Redness, swelling and minor irritation around the tattoo area. Day Two: The side effects of day one should have subsided. However, on day two, the scabbing will start. Day Three-Five: A thin film of skin will form over the freckle tattoo. The area might begin to feel dry or itchy. Days Five-Ten: After the tattooed area has healed, any scabs will start to fall off. Days Ten-Fourteen: By the end of the two-week healing process, the scabs should have all fallen off to reveal natural-looking faux freckles. HOW LONG DO TATTOO FRECKLES LAST? Freckle tattoos can last up to three years. However, like any other cosmetic tattoo, they will fade over time. Therefore, if clients want to keep their facial tattoo looking fresh, they will need to book in for an occasional top-up. After the mandatory touch-up 6-8 weeks post initial treatment, most clients return for a faux freckle touch-up once a year, but this all depends on how fast they are fading. In short, clients can get a touch-up as frequently or as rarely as they want. ​ While the tattoo will fade naturally over time, there are a few things clients can do to reduce the speed at which their freckles disappear. These include: Avoiding excessive sun exposure. If you want to sit out in the sunshine, then layer up on SPF to protect the tattoo. Avoiding frequent swimming in chlorinated pools. Avoiding aggressive skin care regimes. Products that include retinol, AHAs, BHAs should not be used on the skin before or after a faux freckle tattoo. These products are used to exfoliate the skin, which can cause premature fading of the freckles. ​ POTENTIAL SIDE EFFECTS OF A FRECKLE TATTOO TREATMENT. As with any cosmetic procedure, there are some potential side effects to freckle tattooing. However, adverse side effects are very rare, and the risks associated with freckle tattoos are low. Potential side effects may include: Swelling Redness Itchiness Tenderness Irritation ​ The above symptoms are completely normal, and to be expected during the first 3 days following the procedure. If, however, such symptoms persist after three days, contact their tattoo provider immediately as they could be suffering from an allergic reaction or infection. ​ FRECKLE TATTOO AFTERCARE. Looking after a freckle tattoo is straightforward, and similar to the aftercare regime of many other cosmetic tattoo procedures. Below are our top tips for keeping faux freckles looking fresher for longer: ​ Wash your face the night of the procedure with a gentle cleanser. Dab dry, do not rub your face dry. Apply a very small amount of ointment such as Aquaphor. Keep your face dry as much as possible besides washing recommendations for at least 24 hours following the initial procedure. After the first day, clients should only wash their face with a very gentle soap. Skin moisturizers should be non-scented as any fragranced products may irritate the skin. Do not exfoliate the tattooed area too much. The scabs formed post-tattoo need to fall off on their own terms to avoid patchy results. To achieve a softer, more natural look, clients can gently exfoliate the area approximately seven to ten days post procedure. Avoid applying makeup to the tattooed area for around ten days. Do not soak the area for at least ten days. This means swimming, saunas and steam baths must be avoided, as well as excessive sweating.

  • Skin Classic Information | Arawan Artistry Aesthetics

    PRE-CARE INSTRUCTIONS FOR RESTORATIVE TATTOO OR MICROPIGMENTATION PROCEDURE These instructions do not guarantee that your results will last for any certain period of time, nor is it guaranteed problems will not arise. Here are some things to prepare for and avoid before your confirmed appointment. Please Note: you will be more sensitive during your menstrual cycle. Plan ahead. Pre-Care: Response Time I understand response time can take up to 72 hours; therefore, I should leave a clear message with my name, date of birth, type of procedure requested, and phone number ​ Pre-Care: Guests The initial procedure can take up to 4 hours; please have your companion plan accordingly. We do not allow guests or pets in the procedure room. Pre-Care: Illness and Doctor's Note I understand I may place the health and well-being of my provider and others at risk if I am actively sick with a cough or cold or other virus during my appointment. I will inform my provider as far in advance as possible to reschedule my appointment one time. If I provide an appropriate physician’s note attesting to my illness, Arawan Artistry may allow me reschedule without forfeiting my commitment fee at Arawan Artistry’s sole discretion. Pre-Care: Skin Preparation I understand I must drink plenty of water a few days before the procedure and moisturize my skin with a cream that does not contain any acids to prep and hydrate my skin (except hyaluronic acid, a skin hydrating agent). I understand there is no warm blanket provided, but I can bring my own. Pre-Care: Caffeinated Drinks and Alcohol I want to increase pigment retention and I understand excessive bleeding reduces retention. I understand coffee, alcohol, or caffeinated and energizing drinks twenty-four hours before my appointment may cause excessive bleeding in the target area, and that the numbing cream will NOT be as effective. Pre-Care: Eating or Snacking Before The Procedure No food, no eating, and no other beverages other than water are allowed inside the procedure room. I will make sure I am hydrated and have eaten before my procedure. Pre-Care: Blanket and Clothing I understand Arawan Artistry does not have warm blankets available, but I can bring my own. I also understand my provider will be working with pigments that may or may not stain my clothing or my blanket and will dress accordingly. Pre-Care: Back and Neck I understand I will be directed to sit or stand multiple times for the mapping or shaping process and during the procedure to continue to evaluate the shape and form. I understand that I will be in a prolonged supine (on your back) position for the pigment implantation. If you suffer from back pain, please let your provider know. If you suffer from neck pain while flat, please bring a small towel to roll and place under your neck for your comfort. Pre-Care: Eyeglasses and Contact Lenses I understand I am not to wear contact lenses to any appointment during which my provider will be working around my eyes. I understand I may wear my contact lenses after the procedure. Pre-Care: Make Up I understand that arriving without makeup, with a clean and recently washed face is the best way to help reduce my risk of infection. ​ I will bring my eyebrow makeup or lipstick so we can color match to a similar color. Otherwise, we will match a color similar to your natural hair color or lip color of your choice. ​ I understand I cannot apply eyebrow makeup if work is done on my eyebrows, eyeliner, or lips to prevent the risk of infection for a certain period of time after my procedure. ​ Pre-Care: Smoking I understand the fumes from any type of smoking alters the internal condition of my skin integrity. Therefore, I will not smoke anything or be around second hand smoke for at least 24 hours before my appointment. Pre-Care: Medications I understand all daily medications should be disclosed to my provider before committing to this appointment to avoid unexpected outcomes. ​ I will report any new medications I am taking right away to my provider to determine potential reactions that may affect my procedure. ​ I will discuss with my primary healthcare provider any need to stop any prescribed blood thinners for elective procedures at Arawan Artistry. ​ I understand not to take Aspirin, Niacin, Vitamin E, Turmeric, Fish Oil, Ibuprofen, blood thinning medications, or other similar medications eight days before the procedure to reduce bleeding on site and increase pigment retention. ​ Antibiotics - No antibiotic use for 30 days prior to appointment. ​ Pre-Care: Sun Exposure or Tanning I understand that I should not tan or have intense sun exposure five days before the procedure. This may cause scarring and will affect pigment selection and retention. Pre-Care Chemical Peels, Microdermabrasion, Facials I understand I should not have any chemical peels, microdermabrasion, or any other intense treatments or facials for the two weeks before the procedure. Pre-Care: Neurotoxins I understand I should wait at least four weeks to let neurotoxin injections settle prior to my procedure with Arawan Aesthetics. Pre-Care: Retinol I understand I need to stop retinol treatments to the brow area two to four weeks prior to my procedure. Pre-Care: Laser Treatments I understand I should allow eight weeks of healing time for any areas treated with laser before micropigmentation should be applied. Pre-Care: Skin Integrity and Health I understand that I will be sent home if we see any blemishes, pimples, medical or skin conditions in the brow region. I understand my artist cannot tattoo over these and will not risk infection or my safety. I understand to check the target area a few days before my appointment to ensure my skin has good integrity. ​ I understand that compromised skin due to surgical scars, burn scars, radiation scars, etc. may be or may not be more sensitive than a normal skin integrity. ​ I understand that getting a lip blush tattoo causes minor trauma to my skin integrity that may lead to fever blisters from the oral herpes simplex virus, of which I may not even be aware that I am a carrier of. I understand that it is best for me to see my primary or another healthcare provider to discuss possible prescribed prophylactic treatments before and after the procedure to reduce the incident of painful lip fever blisters. Pre-Care: Before and After Photos and Videos I consent to Arawan Artistry taking before and after photos for including in my treatment file. I consent to having my before and after photos and videos used by Arawan Aesthetics for its education, advertising, marketing, and promotion purposes in print, on its website, and on its social media accounts. ​ Pre-Care: Workout I understand I should not work out the day of the procedure because working out increases my body temperature and heart rate which increases my blood pressure and promotes blood flow to the target area, in turn reducing pigment retention. BROWS: Pre-Care: Brow Tint or Henna I understand I should not tint or apply henna on my eyebrows three days before the procedure. Pre-Care: Waxing and Threading I understand I will not be waxing or threading the target area three days before the appointment. Your provider will shape and clean your eyebrows. EYELINER: How to Prepare for Eyeliner Tattoos After eyeliner tattoo your eyes may swell or redden because of the delicate skin and sensitive areas, some clients feel it is best not to make any social plans for a day or two following any procedure. It is always best to avoid these procedures within months prior to important life events such as weddings, vacations etc. Also if you have vascular eyelids, eyeliner tattoo is not recommended. Your eyes can be sensitive and bleed easily. Consult with your artist first. No Eyelash Extensions No eyelash extension 1 week before and until 4 weeks after your touchup session. No Mascara No mascara on the day of the procedure and have your eyes free of makeup and moisturizer. Too much wax based makeup affects the healing process and pigment implantation. No Contact Lenses No contact lenses, bring glasses and you can wear your contact lenses after 48 hours post procedure. Other Notes If your eyes are sensitive to a bright light, bring somebody with you. If you have a previous eyeliner tattoo you need to send us a photo. If you have had any type of eye surgery, including Cataract, Lasik, blepharoplasty, you must get medical clearance from your physician. ​ Things to Avoid Before Eyeliner Tattoos Procedure Lash Tinting Avoid lash tinting, perming, curling 2 weeks before and can be done 2 weeks after. Lash Serums Stop using lash serums, especially Latisse 4 weeks prior to your procedure. The reason is that those types of serums are stimulants. They will make your eyelids too fragile and vascular for cosmetic tattooing.

  • Arawan Artistry Aesthetics | botox | 1431 McHenry Rd ste 106, Buffalo Grove, IL 60089, United States

    Rediscover your radiance at Arawan Artistry Aesthetics: Where men and women embrace timeless elegance by aging gracefully with our transformative medical spa treatments. SPECIALS Get $40 Off Read More About ABOUT A unique boutique medical spa working diligently to provide for our patients by delivering exceptional service and results. READ MORE "Oh my gosh. She is so thorough and professional! She’s also a nurse, so I totally trust her. I love that she has paperwork for you to sign and she gives you everything you need for aftercare. 100% would recommend her! I wake up confident everyday because now I have brows! It cuts down time to do my makeup." READ MORE THE TEAM Meet the team that makes Arawan Artistry Aesthetics CEO Sunshine de la Cruz, RN Sunshine de la Cruz has been a registered nurse since 2001, working in critical care units such as the surgical ICU, medical ICU, and burn ICU. CMO Eric de la Cruz, MD FACS Eric graduated from medical school at the University of Illinois in Chicago. He completed his surgical residency at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center and his trauma fellowship at Shock Trauma in Baltimore, MD. ABOUT US Tiffany Mei Aesthetician Jason Nguyen Aesthetician Lilah Kalanzi Aesthetician Jenny Sanchez Aesthetician READ MORE INSTAGRAM FEED

  • AFTER CARE: BELLY BUTTON | Arawan Artistry Aesthetics

    AFTERCARE INSTRUCTIONS FOR BELLY BUTTON MICROPIGMENTATION Please follow these instructions to improve and prolong the results of micropigmentation. Even when following these aftercare instructions, fading, blurring or poor retention may still happen depending on your skin and lifestyle. Everyone heals and accepts the pigment differently. How your body heals is out of our control. Healed results will vary between each individual client, based on their skin type, their skin condition, immune system, metabolism, overall health, and lifestyle. Our aftercare instructions are meant to help you achieve the best results and reduce the chances of getting an infection. ​ These instructions are not a guarantee that your results will last for any certain period of time, nor is it guaranteed problems will not arise. ​ For those who have undergone a tummy tuck, hernia repair, and other similar abdominal surgeries that affect the belly button—or sometimes render it obsolete all together—this can be an area of serious focus. And just like areola tattoos offer an incredibly effective and realistic option for guests after a mastectomy, so too do tattooed belly buttons make a great solution for those who feel self-conscious about the look of their stomach. ​ 3D belly button tattooing is only completed after the reconstructed skin has had time to fully recover (usually requiring at least 13 months) and after any necessary radiation treatment. Please discuss the process with your surgeon prior to reserving your appointment to ensure you are fully recovered and a good candidate for the treatment. Below is a breakdown of what to expect and to experience during the first two weeks following the initial procedure: Day One: Redness, swelling and minor irritation around the tattoo area. Day Two: The side effects of day one should have subsided. However, on day two, the scabbing will start. Day Three-Five: A thin film of skin will form over the belly button tattoo. The area might begin to feel dry or itchy. Days Five-Ten: After the tattooed area has healed, any scabs will start to fall off. Days Ten-Fourteen: By the end of the two-week healing process, the scabs should have all fallen off to reveal natural-looking belly button. ​ HOW LONG DO BELLY BUTTON TATTOOS LAST? Belly button tattoos can last up to three years. However, like any other cosmetic tattoo, they will fade over time. Therefore, if clients want to keep their facial tattoo looking fresh, they will need to book in for an occasional touch-up. After the mandatory touch-up 6-8 weeks post initial treatment, most clients return for a faux freckle touch-up once a year, but this all depends on how fast they are fading. In short, clients can get a touch-up as frequently or as rarely as they want. ​ While the tattoo will fade naturally over time, there are a few things clients can do to reduce the speed at which their belly button tattoo disappear. These include: Avoiding excessive sun exposure. If you want to sit out in the sunshine, then layer up on SPF to protect the tattoo. Avoiding frequent swimming in chlorinated pools. ​ POTENTIAL SIDE EFFECTS OF A FRECKLE TATTOO TREATMENT. As with any cosmetic procedure, there are some potential side effects to freckle tattooing. However, adverse side effects are very rare, and the risks associated with freckle tattoos are low. Potential side effects may include: ​ Swelling Redness Itchiness Tenderness Irritation ​ The above symptoms are completely normal, and to be expected during the first 3 days following the procedure. If, however, such symptoms persist after three days, contact their tattoo provider immediately as they could be suffering from an allergic reaction or infection. ​ TATTOO AFTERCARE. Looking after a tattoo is straightforward, and similar to the aftercare regime of many other cosmetic tattoo procedures. Below are our top tips for keeping faux freckles looking fresher for longer: ​ Wash your body the night of the procedure with a gentle cleanser. Dab dry, do not rub your face dry. Apply a very small amount of ointment such as Aquaphor. Keep your skin dry as much as possible besides washing recommendations for at least 24 hours following the initial procedure. After the first day, clients should only wash with a very gentle soap. Skin moisturizers should be non-scented as any fragranced products may irritate the skin. Do not exfoliate the tattooed area too much. The scabs formed post-tattoo need to fall off on their own terms to avoid patchy results. To achieve a softer, more natural look, clients can gently exfoliate the area approximately seven to ten days post procedure. Avoid applying perfumed products to the tattooed area for around ten days. Do not soak the area for at least ten days. This means swimming, saunas and steam baths must be avoided, as well as excessive sweating.

  • ProCell Hair Treatment | Arawan Artistry Aesthetics

    HAIR Pre-Treatment Information 1. Do not apply any hair products to your hair. ​ 2. You must arrive for your treatment with clean and washed hair. ​ 3. Complete requested forms and send text message when done to be promptly reviewed. HAIR Post-Treatment Information 1. Do not touch your scalp for 90 minutes post-treatment. ​ 2. Do not wear a hat - your head needs continued airflow with oxygen to increase efficacy of treatment. ​ 3. Do not wash hair or apply other products until the following day or 24 hours post procedure. *When you do wash your hair it’s best to let it air dry and avoid rubbing it aggressively with a towel and avoid the use of a blow dryer. This can lead to breakage of any new hair growth. ​ 4. After the treatment, your scalp may feel like a mild sunburn. You may apply a cool compress if desired. ​ 5. Peeling and skin sloughing may occur for several days after treatment. ​ 6. Avoid exposure to pet dander and other irritants as best you can. ​ 7. You may experience a mild allergic reaction to pets and other things you typically do not react to within the first 24 hours. ​ 8. Avoid sun exposure. Apply sunscreen to the scalp with very thin / no hair. ​ 9. Apply hair serum after care oil the next day (after 24 hours from treatment) with 2-3 drops per night onto the clean affected area of the scalp. ​ 10. Return for follow-up treatment/s as instructed.

  • PROCELL MICROCHANNELING | Arawan Artistry Aesthetics

    PROCELL MICROCHANNELING ​ How can ARAWAN ARTISTRY help you? ARAWAN ARTISTRY is now offering our clients the ProCell Microchanneling therapy – a highly innovative and proven method of skin rejuvenation. So if you are looking for a quick and effective way to completely change the way your skin looks and feels without damaging your skin, you have landed in the right place! The goal is to help our clients boost their collagen production as well as help them feel and look their best with our ProCell Microchanneling therapy. Bring out the best in your skin with ProCell Microchanneling therapy. Looking for a quick way to improve the appearance of your fine lines, uneven skin tone, wrinkles, acne as well as acne scarring, hair loss treatment with virtually no downtime? Well then, ProCell Microchanneling treatment is the ideal solution for you! What is ProCell Microchanneling? ProCell Microchanneling is the most effective and non-invasive skin rejuvenating procedure which helps improve the appearance of fine lines, hyperpigmentation, and acne scarring, among other skin issues and keep skin looking and feeling younger. This unique therapy was developed in America by a Licensed Aesthetician as well as a Board Certified Dermatologist. The procedure makes uniform holes in the outermost layer of your skin, the same size & the same depth, without damaging or scratching your skin. These tiny holes, also called as channels, are the perfect way to get healing products into your skin, such as the ProCell serum which has stem cell technology. This treatment is clinically proven to increase collagen & elastin production, which in turn increases the thickness of the skin while improving the appearance of wrinkles, uneven skin tone & texture, fine lines, acne scars/surgical scars, stretch marks and more. What are the benefits of ProCell Microchanneling therapy? ProCell Microchanneling therapy helps reduce or even eliminate scars from the skin. Apart from treating and correcting acne scars, this therapy can also reduce the appearance of stretch marks in the skin. With this unique therapy, you can say goodbye to your fine lines and wrinkles. It can enhance your appearance without damaging your skin. It can correct uneven skin tones and texture by promoting the regeneration of new layers of skin which leaves clients with healthy rejuvenated skin. What conditions does ProCell Microchanneling treat? Stretch marks and scars Hairloss Acne scars/surgical scars Rosacea Enlarged pores Dull-looking skin complexion Hyperpigmentation Uneven skin tone & texture Lost elasticity Fine lines & wrinkles How long does ProCell Microchanneling last? Well, ProCell Microchanneling can last anywhere from 2 to 10 years, depending on clients age and lifestyle! How many treatments will I need? For skin light anti-aging treatments, 1 to 2 treatments may be sufficient but for deeper wrinkles & scarring, you may require 4 to 6 treatments to achieve desired results. An interval of 4 to 6 weeks between treatments is typically recommended and you can see the results 2-3 weeks after your treatment. Aftercare cream is recommended during downtime period. For hair loss treatment, 5 treatments is recommended at 2-4 weeks apart using the hair aftercare during downtime inbetween sessions. Does ProCell Microchanneling hurt? ProCell Microchanneling doesn’t hurt, but it does not feel good too. However, if you feel pain during the procedure, you can ask your skin care professional to apply a light topical numbing cream. Please note, the topical numbing cream takes at least 15-20 minutes to take effect. How long does it take to heal from ProCell Microchanneling therapy? After the skin therapy, your skin will be pink or red in appearance for the first 24 to 48 hours. However, this can be covered with a quality mineral makeup within 90 minutes of treatment. After the scalp treatment, your scalp may appear slightly pink or red in appearance up to 1-2 days. Who is a good candidate for ProCell Microchanneling? You are an ideal candidate for ProCell Microchanneling if you have: Fine lines or wrinkles, Uneven skin texture Moderate skin laxity Stretch marks Atrophic (depressed) acne scars Sun damage Traumatic scars Who is not an ideal candidate for ProCell Microchanneling? Procell Microchanneling is a very safe treatment for all skin tones. Individuals with the listed contraindications below, however, should not have this treatment. Additionally, if you have a history of cold sores (herpes virus), consult your physician regarding appropriate prophylactic treatment before you have Procell microchanneling as it can activate cold sores. (Please note that Procell Microchanneling will NOT give you cold sores if you do not already have the virus.) Pregnancy/Nursing Uncontrolled Diabetes On Accutane or any related acne medication within the last six months Any active inflammatory skin condition e.g. eczema, psoriasis, infection, rash or any type of dermatitis at the treatment site Laser or deep chemical peel that removed the entire epidermis within last 18 months Newly done fillers within the last two weeks Scars that are less than 6 months old Keloids or raised scarring History of eczema, psoriasis and any other chronic skin conditions High blood pressure Presence of raised moles, warts or any raised lesions on the area to be treated Currently or in the last 6 months undergoing cancer treatment Allergy to steel Chronic skin disease Hemophilia Recent radiation therapy Open wounds in the target area Immunosuppressed Bearing any type of implanted medical device How much does procell microchanneling cost? The cost of your micro-channeling treatments will depend on what is being treated and the condition of your skin. Average price per session is $400 for face, neck, and chin. Hair treatment is $350. Additional payment required for additional serum vials. Other treatment cost is based on consultation. Is the ProCell Micro-Channeling treatment safe? ProCell Microchanneling therapies are absolutely safe and side effects are uncommon when being performed by knowledgeable and trained skincare professionals. What is the difference between Microchanneling and Microneedling? ProCell Micro-channeling therapy is the next generation of Microneedling. The main difference between the two therapies is the type of device used to perform the treatment as well as the technique that is used. Microneedling therapy involves using a handheld “roller” covered in tiny needles that is dragged over the skin which can cause micro tearing of the skin. ProCell Microchanneling therapy, on the other hand, uses a “stamping” technique, which creates micro vertical channels into the skin for better and deeper product penetration & less trauma to the skin. What is the difference between Microchanneling and Microneedling? ProCell Micro-channeling therapy is the next generation of Microneedling. The main difference between the two therapies is the type of device used to perform the treatment as well as the technique that is used. Microneedling therapy involves using a handheld “roller” covered in tiny needles that is dragged over the skin which can actually tear the skin. ProCell Microchanneling therapy, on the other hand, uses a “stamping” technique, which creates micro vertical channels into the skin for better and deeper product penetration & less trauma to the skin. Boost your collagen production & age backwards with ProCell Microchanneling Collagen Induction. Understanding the Skin Cycle A skin cycle is the process where a new skin cell is formed at the deepest layer of the epidermis and works it’s way up to the surface of the skin. At this point the skin cell has matured and ultimately flakes off. A skin cycle can vary with each individual and is affected by such factors as age, hormones, skin condition (health) and stress. On average, a skin cycle is 5-6 weeks. At the age of 19-21, the process can take 14-21 days, compared to a middle-aged adult where it is estimated to be 28 days. As we grow older, this skin cycle slows to about 45-60 days in our 40’s and 50’s. It can further slow to about 60-90 days in our 50’s and 60’s. Why is this important? As we age our skin cycle slows down and dead cells accumulate on the surface of skin causing sagging and fine lines and wrinkles. Bacteria can become trapped causing blemishes and breakouts. Skin discoloration and irregularities within the cells can become trapped causing spots. Therefore, it is important to choose skin care products that can accelerate your cellular turnover and keep fresh new skin cells flourishing to the surface. When starting a new skin care regime, it is advised to wait approximately 1-3 skin cycles so 6 – 18 weeks to see improved results. This gives the skin care chance to work on making changes to the cell’s health, condition, vitality, and strength. When the outer surface of skin is made of newer skin cells, skin feels softer, and looks more vibrant. By maintaining an average 28-day or faster replacement cycle through healthy lifestyle choices and a regular skin care routine that addresses the basics of skin, your skin will appear smoother and more youthful. Patience is Key Be patient with new skin care and give it time to do it’s job. This is designed to work on the deeper layers of the skin so immediate results are not always seen. Over the counter skin care works on the surface of your skin, so it may immediately feel soft but long term benefits will not be comparable. Understanding the Hair Growth Cycle Everyone experiences hair loss on some level. After all, the average person sheds 50-100 hairs a day as part of the natural hair growth cycle. Noticeable hair loss, however, occurs when this cycle is disrupted. These interruptions can happen for a variety of reasons—read on to learn more about how different causes and conditions can play a roll in hair loss. Some causes for hairloss are indentified below. While the vast majority of hair loss is caused by genetics, there are a number of other factors that could be at play. Here are a few common culprits that cause or exacerbate hair loss. A deficiency in certain vitamins and/or minerals could be contributing factors of hair loss. Some of the nutrients that are important for your hair include B vitamins (particularly Biotin), vitamin D, iron, zinc, protein, and essential fatty acids. Fluctuating hormone levels in women may cause or contribute to hair thinning or loss. These changes can often occur postpartum or be attributed to perimenopause, menopause, and polycystic ovarian syndrome. Oftentimes, side effects from prescription drugs or medical treatments can include hair loss. These treatments can include: Acne medications Antibiotics Antidepressants Bariatric surgery Beta-blockers for high blood pressure Blood thinners Chemotherapy and radiation to treat cancer Cholesterol-lowering medications Epilepsy medications Hormone replacement therapy Immune-suppressing drugs Lithium NSAIDs Oral contraceptives Steroids Thyroid medications Weight loss drug While everyday stress won't impact your hair, three types of hair loss are associated with high stress levels, including: Telogen Effluvium: This condition occurs when there’s a sudden shock to the system like that experienced with childbirth, surgery, rapid weight loss or any major, traumatic event such as a death in the family, divorce or an accident. Trichotillomania: The stress-induced impulse control disorder, trichotillomania, is a hair loss condition that drives people to pull out their own hair. Alopecia Areata: This autoimmune skin disease mistakenly attacks the hair follicles, causing hair loss on the scalp, face, and sometimes other areas of the body. Frequent use of harsh styling practices can cause breakage and make hair fall out. Some of the most damaging styling practices include: tight hair styles such as ponytails, braids or buns worn for extended periods of time; chemical treatments such as coloring, perms and relaxers; and incorrect use or overuse of hot styling tools. Note the exact cause of ones hairloss can be determined by a medical doctor specializing in hairloss. Microchanneling for hair loss Use of Procell with Livra Hair Regrowth Serum on the scalp is proven to effectively stop hair loss and regrow hair. This breakthrough approach utilizes natural human growth factors that are found in healthy, young hair follicles to create thicker, fuller-looking hair without the use of drugs. Procell effectively stops hair loss at the source. Microchanneling of the scalp increases absorption of topical serums into the skin by over 300%. Livra Hair Serum is applied during and immediately after treatment to penetrate deep into the follicle to deliver high concentrations of growth factors. The growth factors selected for the Hair Serum are the same as those that are naturally present in healthy young hair follicles. The growth factors in Livra Hair Regrowth Serum nourish the stem cells lining the hair follicles that are crucial for production of hair. Deep penetration of these growth factors improves the overall condition of the scalp, rejuvenates damaged hair follicles for an effective, natural approach to halting and reversing hair loss. PROCELL THERAPIES’ HAIR REGROWTH SERUM How it Works As we age increased levels of Dihydrotestoterone (DHT) can effectively put the dermal papilla/hair follicles into a telogen, “sleeping” phase. If hair remains in a telogen phase long enough the follicle cannot be reactivated and balding occurs. Procell Therapies Hair Regrowth Serum (HRS) disrupts the occupation of receptors on the dermal papilla prone to DHT contamination, re-awakening dormant follicles to grow hair once again. Treatment works best on younger patients who have just begun balding, but impressive results have been seen even in older patients. Additionally, thinning hair may be caused by a scalp damaged by a dry climate, nutrition, stress, certain drugs, chlorine, and/or environmental exposure. Over many years, the skin of the scalp produces less growth factors and becomes less efficient at repairing damage. Because of this, the condition of the scalp can eventually deteriorate to the point where it hardens (fibrosis) or hair follicles become miniaturized. In the case of fibrosis, hair is unable to grow through the hardened scalp. Miniaturization renders the hair follicles unable to perform their normal growth cycle. Both conditions can lead to a cessation of hair production and the death of hair follicles. Stem cells lining the hair follicles are crucial for production of hair, and the GF-technology ingredients in this concentrated serum are selected to provide support to these stem cells, so hair can re-grow. HRS improves the overall condition of the scalp, rejuvenating damaged hair follicles and increasing circulation of nutrients for healthy hair. The serum’s action is enhanced by protective flower extracts, which help maintain cellular health and lustrous hair. HRS incorporates recent advances in hair follicle science. Specialized techniques influence bone marrow mesenchymal stem cell cultures to produce conditioned media focused on hair growth (Wnt-1a pathway) while twelve bio-identical growth factors and cytokines, each with proven efficacy in hair follicle stimulation, are added to make this the most scientifically advanced product of its type. Ingredients: Deionized Water, Wnt-1a Pathway Stem CytokinesTM (proprietary admixture of human bone marrow stem cell derived growth factors and cytokines), Hyaluronic Acid, IGF-1 (sh-Oliogo- peptide-2), IGF-2 (sh-Polypeptide-31), aFGF (sh-Polypep- tide- 11), bFGF (sh-Polypeptide-1), KGF (sh-Polypeptide-3), KGF-2 (sh-Polypeptide-10), SCF (sh-Polypeptide-4), CSF-1 (sh-Polypeptide-73), PDGF-A (sh-Poly- peptide-8), EPO (sh-Polypeptide-72), Noggin (sh-Polypeptide-13), CG-VEGF (sh- Polypeptide-9), C3PiPa, Dehydroacetic Acid & Benzyl Alcohol as preservative. EXPECTATIONS The condition of your skin or hair depends upon your previous skin or hair condition, lifestyle, and compliance. For optimal results and outcome with ProCell microchanneling: 1. Understand that you are committing to a treatment, an investment, and the timeline of results will vary depending on current lifestyle and commitment to treatment regimen. 2. Remain compliant and attend treatment sessions as scheduled and follow after care recommendations. 3. Your results may be impacted by the set goal timeline you have in mind. Understand and realize that your current skin and hair connditions did not change in 24 hours. Multiple sessions may be required to obtain the best outcome. 4. You may need to modify your current lifestyle for optimal results. For example: someone will need to carry an umbrella to protect their face from direct sunrays or a person who is accustomed to wearing a baseball cap will need to revert to not using a hat to promote air flow within the scalp region. Please take a screenshot of the pre and post care information below. In preparation for Procell Microchanneling, you may consider collecting a few items to help your recovery and/or to maximize your treatment. Procell Livra MD System: Cellular Renewal & Healing Accelerator* Mild, unscented, alcohol free cleanser Wide brimmed hat(s) Large Sunglasses Broad spectrum SPF 50 + Brushable SPF 50 + sunscreen for on-the-go SPF refresh Moisturizers, Oils & Creams Green color correcting makeup LED light therapy device *You may purchase these items with an asterisk in advance inside the studio.* SKIN Pre-Treatment Instructions 1. I typically go over the lips. If you get cold sores regularly, please consult with to your doctor about taking Acyclovir or Valcyclovir one day prior to your microchanneling to help reduce the likelihood of a breakout due to your treatment. 2. Discontinue Retinol (2% or higher) or Tretinoin at least 3 days prior to treatment to prevent contraindications. 3. For your first treatment, (and treatments with micro-filament size 0.25mm in general) numbing cream is typically not necessary, and you can expect mild redness and swelling, and a tight, warm sensation between 4 to 24 hours. 4. Treatments that follow with longer micro-filament lengths may require topical numbing cream, and can produce redness and swelling along with tiny flecks of redness for between 4 and 72 hours. 5. I am not a doctor. If pain relievers are not contraindicated with your personal health history, taking Acetaminophen to premedicate 2 hours before treatment may help reduce discomfort. 6. If you are being treated with PRP (protein rich plasma) or PRF (platelet rich fibrin) drink an extra 24-32 ounces of water for two to three days prior to treatment to boost your body’s hydration. 7. Prepare your skin before the appointment by arriving with a clean and washed face without makeup and without facial hair (clean shaven). Do not apply any products to your face before the appointment to avoid contraindications. 8. If you've had Botox, Fillers or Threads injected, then you must wait at least two weeks before treatment. And you must be satisfied with the Botox, Fillers, or Threads results before we can offer you any other treatments. 9. If you are planning to receive Botox, make sure that you give yourself at least 2 weeks post-Botox injections before receiving your microneedling procedure. 10. Avoid chlorine 24 hours before and after treatment for best results. 11. No Retin-A or Retinol products 24 hours prior to your treatment. 12. No auto-immune therapies or products 24 hours prior to your treatment. 13. No prolonged sun exposure to the face 24 hours prior to your treatment. 14. Microchanneling treatment will not be administered on sunburned skin. 15. If you are taking a blood thinner, aspirin or any other medication that you have the propensity to bleed easily while on these medications, please tell your microchanneling specialist. If you are under a physician’s care and need to discontinue your medication for a few days, always ask your physician for medical clearance prior to each microchanneling appointment. 16. If an active or extreme breakout occurs before treatment, please consult your microchanneling practitioner. 17. Must be off oral Isotretinoin for at least 6 months before ProCell Treatment. 18. Do not exercise 24 hours before the treatment, because exercising increases blood flow to the face, which makes it easier for the treatment areas to bruise and swell. 19. Please complete the forms requested which includes the personal medical history form. 20. Send a text message when done with forms for prompt review. SKIN post treatment care: 1. Preferably, no other products other than the products provided to you should be applied until the following day. 2. Avoid washing your face for the first 6 hours. Use tepid (lightly warm) water for the initial 24 hours to rinse the treated area. No cleanser required at this time. 3. Gently pat dry with a clean towel and follow with your aftercare products provided. The aftercare cream heals and also tightens your skin. Hyaluronic acid helps retain moisture Tom trans-epidermal water loss (TEWL). You may apply moisturizer like Cetaphil to reduce dryness when the aftercare cream feels dry to touch. 4. After 24 hours, you can use a gentle cleanser (example, Cetaphil or Cerave) to cleanse the face for the next 72 hours. 5. Always make sure that your hands are clean when touching the treated area. Have a hand sanitizer or anti-bacterial wipes on hand. 6. Avoid exposure to dust, pet dander and other irritants as best you can. You may experience a mild allergic reaction to pets and other things you typically do not react to within the first 24 hours. 7. Your skin may feel warm and tight, like a mild sunburn. This is an expected outcome during the first few days of this treatment. 8. Apply the aftercare products provided and moisturize with your favorite moisturizer or a product like Cetaphil or Cerave. 9. You may also apply a cool, damp washcloth as desired for comfort. 10. After the initial 24 hours, apply a broad spectrum UVA/UVB sunscreen with a minimum SPF 30 for two weeks. A mineral-based, chemical-free sunscreen is highly recommended. 11. Do not apply any makeup with an old makeup brush, especially if it is not clean. New makeup brushes, or freshly cleansed brushes, are best. 12. After the therapy, nothing topical should be applied for at least 90 minutes. You may use a quality mineral makeup after 90 minutes of treatment. However, it is highly recommended that makeup and sunscreen not be applied for 24 hours after the procedure. 13. For your first treatment (and treatments at .25mm in general), you can expect mild redness and swelling and a tight, warm sensation between 4 to 24 hours. 14. Later treatments, or those with longer needling lengths may produce redness and swelling along with tiny flecks of redness for between 4 to 72 hours. These are easily covered with a quality mineral makeup. 15. Mild skin sloughing may occur for a few days after the treatment. 16. Mild acne and milia (tiny white bumps) can occur in rare cases. Don’t pick; they should go away in a few days. 17. Trans-Epidermal Water Loss is a common temporary side effect and can leave you feeling dry through the first week. Keep your recommended moisturizer with you during the day and apply as frequently as necessary to avoid a dry sensation. 18. The more you moisturize, the better your results will be. Do not exfoliate at least for 7 days. 19. For at least 3 days post-treatment, do NOT use any Alpha Hydroxy Acids, Beta Hydroxy Acids, Retin-A, Retinol (Vitamin A), Vitamin C (in a low pH formula) or anything else perceived as “active” skincare. 20. Avoid intentional and direct sunlight for at least 48 hours. No tanning beds! Ensure you have proper sun protection whenever you are out in the sun. 21. Do not go swimming and avoid hot tubs, steam rooms and saunas for at least 24 hours post-treatment. 22. No exercising or strenuous activity for the first 24 hours post-treatment; sweating and gym environments must be avoided during the first 72 hours post-treatment.. 23. If prolonged irritation occurs, please contact us or your practitioner, directly. 24. Return for your follow-up treatment in about a month or as recommended. HAIR Pre-Treatment Information 1. Do not apply any hair products to your hair. 2. You must arrive for your treatment with clean and washed hair. 3. Complete requested forms and send text message when done to be promptly reviewed. HAIR Post-Treatment Information 1. Do not touch your scalp for 90 minutes post-treatment. 2. Do not wear a hat - your head needs continued airflow with oxygen to increase efficacy of treatment. 3. Do not wash hair or apply other products until the following day or 24 hours post procedure. *When you do wash your hair it’s best to let it air dry and avoid rubbing it aggressively with a towel and avoid the use of a blow dryer. This can lead to breakage of any new hair growth. 4. After the treatment, your scalp may feel like a mild sunburn. You may apply a cool compress if desired. 5. Peeling and skin sloughing may occur for several days after treatment. 6. Avoid exposure to pet dander and other irritants as best you can. 7. You may experience a mild allergic reaction to pets and other things you typically do not react to within the first 24 hours. 8. Avoid sun exposure. Apply sunscreen to the scalp with very thin / no hair. 9. Apply hair serum after care oil the next day (after 24 hours from treatment) with 2-3 drops per night onto the clean affected area of the scalp. 10. Return for follow-up treatment/s as instructed.​

  • Skin Classic Information | Arawan Artistry Aesthetics

    What to know before getting permanent makeup or micropigmentation procedures? What to expect when getting permanent makeup or micropigmentation? ​ This form is designed to give the information needed to decide whether or not to undergo a permanent cosmetic and transformational restorative body art procedure. If you have questions, please do not hesitate to ask. Although elective courses are usually practical, no guarantees can be made that a specific client will benefit from the procedure. ​ Detailed Permanent Make-up and Micropigmentation Information ​ Permanent makeup and micropigmentation is a process of inserting pigment into the dermal layer of the skin, a form of tattooing. All instruments that enter the skin or come in contact with body fluids are single-use and disposed of afterward. Cross-contamination guidelines are strictly followed. Generally, the results are excellent. However, a perfect result is not a realistic expectation. It is common to need touch-ups after healing is completed. Initially, the color will appear much more vibrant or darker than the result. The pigment will fade over time, depending on skin condition and lifestyle, and will likely need to be touched up within six months to 3 years. ​ KNOWN RISKS ASSOCIATED WITH BODY ART PAIN: There could be pain even after the topical anesthetic. Anesthetics work better on some people than others. Please communicate with me how you are doing throughout the procedure. ​ INFECTIONS: The treated areas must be kept clean and only touched with freshly cleaned hands. If you follow the specific aftercare instructions provided to you, infection is highly unlikely. ​ UNEVEN PIGMENT: This can result from poor healing, infection, bleeding, or other causes. Your second session or follow-up appointment will help correct any uneven appearances. ​ ASYMMETRY: Our bodies are naturally asymmetric, but attention to detail and best efforts will be made to avoid asymmetry. Adjustments may be needed and can be done during the follow-up session to correct any unevenness. Breast reconstructive surgery may be asymmetric for various reasons, and the provider will make their best effort to create balance and symmetry. ​ EXCESSIVE SWELLING/BRUISING: Some people bruise and swell more than others. Bruising and swelling typically disappear within 1-5 days; ice packs may be used during this time. Some people do not bruise or swell at all. ​ ANESTHESIA: Topical anesthetics are used for numbing the area to be tattooed. Lidocaine, Tetracaine, and Epinephrine are used in cream and gel form. If you are allergic or sensitive to any of these, please inform your provider immediately. ​ GRANULOMAS: These are nodules that may form around material the body perceives as foreign, such as tattoo pigment particles. ​ KELOID FORMATION: If you are prone to developing keloids -- scars that grow beyond normal boundaries -- you are at risk of keloid formation from a tattoo. Keloids may form any time you injure or traumatize your skin. ​ REMOVAL: Despite advances in laser technology, removing a tattoo is a painstaking process, usually involving several treatments and considerable expense. Complete removal without scarring may be impossible. ​ MRI: Because pigments used in permanent cosmetic procedures contain inert oxides, a low-level magnet may be required if you need to be scanned by an MRI machine. You must inform your technician of any tattoos or permanent cosmetics. ​ ALLERGIC REACTION: Less than 0.25% of the population has a sensitivity or an allergic reaction, but this tiny possibility remains. Doing a patch test or a sensitivity test is recommended if you have had reactions in the past. ​ CHANGES IN APPEARANCE Any face or body art design will permanently change the appearance. Arawan Artistry Aesthetics cannot change results after a procedure or remove the effects of the permanent mark. This is a tattoo, and with time, pigments can and will fade or change according to metabolism, lifestyle, skin type, medications, age, smoking, alcohol, sun exposure, creams, and lotions. ​ THE RISKS ASSOCIATED WITH A SEVERE MEDICAL CONDITION AND TATTOOING A severe medical condition may require an appropriate physician’s note stating the medical situation and the clearance to proceed with cosmetic tattooing. Arawan Artistry Aesthetics and its providers are not accountable for any complications during your treatment due to undisclosed or inadequately treated medical conditions. Arawan Artistry Aesthetics, PLLC requests providing this medical clearance three days before your appointment, or the appointment may be canceled due to failure to provide a medical clearance note during the visit. Arawan Artistry Aesthetics will charge 100% for the scheduled time reserved when failure to provide the medical clearance. A new appointment with a new fee is required. ​ ONGOING PROCEDURE ASSESSMENTS The provider will constantly assess the skin's integrity during the procedure because too many passes may cause skin sloughing, potentially leading to scarring. ​ DIFFERENT SKIN TYPES Arawan Artistry Aesthetics provides no guarantees as to the result of any body art procedure. Some skin types will not accept or heal pigment consistently. Skin is unique, and Arawan Artistry Aesthetics cannot predict how a person’s skin will react to the procedure or how it may or may not accept color. Arawan Artistry Aesthetics and its providers cannot predict how many visits it will take to complete a permanent makeup procedure. Additional fees apply for each additional visit not included in the agreed-upon price and number of procedure sessions. ​ REFUSAL OF SERVICE ASSOCIATED WITH CERTAIN RISKS Arriving pregnant or breastfeeding, prone to keloid scarring, have problematic skin around the procedure area (pimples, blemishes, irritated skin, sunburn), being on blood thinners or contraindicated medications, have been on Accutane within the previous 12 months, or being under 18 years old. The provider will not be able to perform a service. The appointment with Arawan Artistry Aesthetics will be canceled, and this forfeits any deposit provided. ​ REFUSAL OF SERVICE ASSOCIATED WITH PROBLEMATIC SKIN SURROUNDING THE TARGET AREA Arriving with any of the contraindications mentioned on the client intake form or if there is problematic skin around the procedure area, such as pimples, blemishes, irritated skin, sunburn, and other skin conditions that can risk personal well-being. Arawan Artistry Aesthetics will not perform the procedure, which forfeits the commitment fee for the appointment. Arawan Artistry Aesthetics may allow the appointment to be rescheduled once without losing the commitment fee. Failure to reschedule an appointment due to problematic skin around the procedure area at least at a reasonable time (three days in advance) will result in a 100% charge for the scheduled commitment for the time reserved. A new appointment with a new fee is required. ​ REFUSAL OF SERVICE Arawan Artistry Aesthetics has the right to decline the appointment requests if this body art treatment at any time may put your safety or well-being at risk or if we are otherwise not the right fit for what you seek. ​ STRONG FACIAL MUSCLE PULLS, AND ONE SIDE IS HIGHER (ASYMMETRY) Almost everyone has a dominant eyebrow or their favorite eyebrow. Being someone with strong muscle pulls may make the eyebrows appear unbalanced even though they are balanced when relaxed. Usually, everyone carries one side of their body higher. Talking when the provider builds the template creates facial expressions, leading to muscle tension and movement. Staying still and quiet will be helpful to the provider in finding the appropriate balance. WHAT GOES ON IN THE PROCEDURE The provider will continue to check the shape throughout the procedure, requiring the patient to sit up a few times or be under different lighting and angles to ensure the eyebrow shape has been maintained and has not shifted. The provider is not liable for any changes or adjustments from the initial design during the procedure. ​ THE TIME ALLOTTED IN CREATING THE TEMPLATE OR MAPPING PROCESS Everyone is genuinely asymmetrical, and the provider optimizes the asymmetry by developing balance to enhance the best features and preferred shape. But, after one hour of creating the design or proper anatomical template, if the provider and the patient cannot agree on the form or shape drawn, Arawan Artistry Aesthetics may discontinue the appointment and will forfeit the commitment fee or reservation fee. If both Arawan Artistry Aesthetics and the patient agree to continue past one hour for template creation, then the patient may be charged an additional fee for the provider’s time. ​ PIGMENT RETENTION AND SLOW METABOLISM The treatments may or may not work depending on how a person’s body retains products. When the patient agrees to proceed with the treatment, then they take on the risk of low retention and slow metabolism for any consequences. There is NO guarantee in permanent cosmetic makeup and transformational restorative tattooing, as the pigment is deposited lightly on the top layers of the skin. Additional sessions may be required to obtain optimal results; other charges will apply for time, labor, and materials. Each client is different, and each body heals or retains pigment differently. Arawan Artistry Aesthetics and its providers can never guarantee results. A pencil or powder may still be preferred, as fading, blurring, or poor pigment retention can still occur. ​ PIGMENT REACTIONS WITH SKIN PRODUCTS Serums, creams, and topicals penetrate deep into the skin and can potentially cause the implanted pigment to migrate and change color over time. Keep such products away from the pigmented areas. Using glycolic acid, other chemical exfoliants, or natural exfoliants, such as mixing salt and water on the area with body art, will result in expedited fading of the pigment. Any highly vascular regions of the body will metabolize products faster, which can quickly fade pigment. ​ THE HEALING PROCESS WITH BODY ART TATTOOING A minimum of six weeks is recommended for the healing process to ensure that the skin has completed its entire turnover regeneration cycle. Everyone heals and accepts pigment differently, and how the body heals is out of Arawan Artistry Aesthetics and its provider’s control. Sometimes even with proper after-care, fading, blurring, or poor retention can still happen. Patients may want to continue using other cosmetics, such as a make-up pencil or powder, to top off their desired appearance after a permanent makeup procedure. ​ ROLE IN AFTERCARE Follow and remain compliant with post-procedure after-care instructions. There may be unknown risks and hazards related to the procedure, and Arawan Artistry Aesthetics gave no warranty or guarantees about results. The patient must accept full responsibility for the color, shape, and position of the pigments applied. The actual healed color of the pigment will modify to an extent due to the person’s unique undertones. ​ INDUSTRY STANDARDS The industry standard for permanent makeup requires two visits. The second "perfection session," also known as the touch-up or follow-up appointment, is highly recommended for optimal results. Additional follow-ups after this second visit should fall 6-10 weeks from the initial procedure. Other visits after the second appointment may also be necessary to achieve the desired outcome. Additional sessions will be an additional charge. ​ MAINTENANCE REQUIRED Permanent makeup is a "low" maintenance treatment, not a "no maintenance treatment." The patient may need to clean the eyebrow hair outside of the customized template or add makeup to get the desired look they want for specific events. Additional sessions for the ideal cosmetic results require an additional fee. ​ COLOR BOOSTERS Arawan Artistry Aesthetics providers deposit pigments that do not compete with topical makeup that goes over the skin. Keeping the color fresh with annual color boosters is recommended for maintenance, as this semi-permanent technique will fade or change color gradually over time. However, the provider will evaluate touch-up requests to ensure the skin is not too saturated with pigment before Arawan Artistry Aesthetics can commit to a touch-up appointment. ​ HOW OTHER FACIAL TREATMENTS (NEUROTOXINS, DERMAL FILLERS, ETC) AFFECT RESULTS Treatments that alter the natural facial state, such as neurotoxin injections like Botox, dermal fillers, surgery, and others, may affect the results and the symmetry of the face. It is best to implement permanent makeup four weeks after any neurotoxin injections are applied to allow the provider to work on the adjusted facial balance. The permanent cosmetic makeup may appear altered when medications like neurotoxins or fillers wear off. ​ HOW LASER TREATMENTS AFFECT MICROPIGMENTATION OR PERMANENT MAKE-UP Lasers are used for tattoo lightening or removal. Get an entire course of laser hair removal before getting any tattoo or tattoo removal in the target area. Skin must heal for at least eight weeks from any laser treatment before any micropigmentation treatment. THE RISK OF ACQUIRING FEVER BLISTERS OR COLD SORES AFTER A LIP TATTOO Anyone may be a carrier of the herpes simplex virus that causes fever blisters or cold sores on the lips and may not be aware of it, even though they have never had fever blisters or cold sores before. Our clinic requires all treatments involving the lips to obtain prescription medications to prevent, minimize the symptoms, and treat this condition. ​ SKIN INTEGRITY CONCERNS 3D AREOLA TATTOOING FOR BREAST CANCER SURVIVORS & GENDER-AFFIRMING SURGERY FOR TRANSGENDER PATIENTS For breasts: Breast-altering procedures, such as plastic surgery, revisions, implants, and injections, may alter or degrade the design. Arawan Artistry Aesthetics is not responsible for such changes. Due to skin integrity concerns, changes due to additional breast alterations or revisions may not be correctable through additional Areola-Nipple body art procedures. ​ SCAR CAMOUFLAGING Ensure the scar is fully healed before undergoing scar camouflaging treatment. This usually takes 6 to 12 months after the injury or surgery. Scar camouflaging is a cosmetic procedure and may not eliminate the appearance of the scar. It can, however, help to reduce the visibility. ​ Avoiding sun exposure, tanning beds, or self-tanners on the scarred area for at least two weeks before the treatment. Sunburn or tanned skin can affect the color match and blending of the pigments. Refrain from topical treatments or medications on the scarred area for at least two weeks before the therapy unless prescribed by a doctor. This includes retinol, glycolic acid, other exfoliants, and topical steroids or antihistamines. Some scars may need some type of skin resurfacing treatment to minimize the hypertrophic nature of the scar. ​ For additional questions, please use the contact form.

  • AFTER CARE: AREOLA-NIPPLE | Arawan Artistry Aesthetics

    AFTERCARE INSTRUCTIONS FOR AREOLA-NIPPLE DESIGN MICROPIGMENTATION Please follow these instructions to improve and prolong the results of micropigmentation. Even when following these aftercare instructions, fading, blurring or poor retention may still happen depending on your skin and lifestyle. Everyone heals and accepts the pigment differently. How your body heals is out of our control. Healed results will vary between each individual client, based on their skin type, their skin condition, immune system, metabolism, overall health, and lifestyle. Our aftercare instructions are meant to help you achieve the best results and reduce the chances of getting an infection. ​ These instructions are not a guarantee that your results will last for any certain period of time, nor is it guaranteed problems will not arise. ​ With proper care that includes pre and post-tattoo precautions, the tattoo would take 14 to 21 days to heal completely. After your nipple and or areola is tattooed, it is important to follow these directions to help the area heal. ​ Post Nipple and Areola Tattoo Care Instructions When checking your Tattoo Always wash your hands with soap and dry them with clean paper towels before touching your tattoo site. ​ Plan A: Monitor the site if NOT sensitive to Tegaderm dressing Wear the same Tegaderm for 7 days after the procedure. Shower with the Tegaderm on and allow the water to run over. Do not scrub the Tegaderm Do not submerge in water (bath, pool, ocean, hot tub, etc.) for 14 days Do not workout or sweat for 48 hours On Day 7 Remove Tegaderm, shower, and clean with gentle soap, water, and fingertips. Samples of gentle soaps: Dial, Dove, Cetaphil After the shower, sit topless, and allow the skin to air dry for 1 hour Once dry, text a clear and well-lit picture to Arawan Artistry at 847-744-8471, for evaluation. If you have an allergic reaction with the Tegaderm, please remove the Tegaderm, then text AND call immediately for further instructions: Call 847-421-7400 - Do not send a text message. ​ Plan B: Monitor the site if sensitive to Tegaderm dressing (using non adhesive type of dressing) Remove your dressing(s) and put in trash. It is normal to see some of the tattoo coloring on the dressing. Look at your tattoo in the mirror each day. If you have increased redness, drainage or you have more pain, call 847-421-7400. Do not send a text message. It is normal for the tattooed skin to form a scab or start to peel. DO NOT pick, peel or poke the tattooed skin. Shower each day using warm, not hot water, unscented soap (e.g. Dial, Dove, Ivory). Do not touch the tattooed areas in the shower, just let the shower water flow over them. Do not put your tattooed breasts under water in a bathtub, pool or hot tub until they are healed. About 4 weeks after the tattoo is done, your doctor will tell you when it is okay to put your breasts under water normally. Do not use tanning beds for 4 weeks after your breast tattoo is done. Check your tattoo for the next 5 days after you shower: Put a thin layer of Mupirocin (Bactroban) ointment on the tattooed area using a clean cotton q-tip 2 times a day, for 5 days. It is important to make sure the ointment covers the scabs or areas that are peeling. After you put on the ointment, cover the area with a non-stick pad (e.g. telfa) and attach with gentle tape, such as paper tape. On the 6th day after getting your tattoo, stop using the Mupirocin and do not put on a dressing. On day 7, start using moisturizer on the area after you take a shower and 2 times each day with an unscented, dye free lotion. ​ Precaution restrictions with tattoos Cover the tattooed area from the sun. Do not use self-tanning creams on the tattooed skin for 4 weeks after getting your tattoo. ​ When should I call the doctor? Fever of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit (38 degrees Celsius) or higher Chills Drainage from your tattoo Increased redness Pain Any other questions or concerns CALL FIRST 847-421-7400 to report your symptoms. ​ The healing process depends greatly on the different skin types and lifestyle habits of the person getting it. Some people might even need a touch-up or two to achieve the right shade and color in their tattoos. ​ Here’s a detailed look at the daily breast tattoo healing process. The Nipple and Areola Tattoo Healing Process Day by Day: ​ Days 1-2 Right after treatment, the tattooed area will be sensitive, red, and swollen. ​ Your artist will apply a clear bandage, allowing you to shower regularly without getting the tattooed area wet. This bandage is also helpful with fluid buildup since, during those first few days, it is normal for the tattooed area to ooze lymph and even some blood. ​ During this period, it is normal to experience some tenderness and pain. However, if these symptoms don’t subside by day 5, you may be dealing with an infection, so check with your technician. ​ Days 3-7 During the period of 3-7 days after the procedure, it is safe to remove the bandage and lightly wash the covered area, then let it air dry. ​ In the following days, scabs will begin to form over the tattooed area. The skin will be covered with a thin crust film, and it’ll probably feel itchy and tight. ​ It’s important to note that you shouldn’t pick at the scabs. Instead, you can try relieving the discomfort with a moisturizer prescribed by your technician. ​ Days 7-14 Once the tattoo has healed considerably, the scabs will start cracking and falling off on their own. ​ The peeling process can last for about a week. Some people can even go through a second peeling period, but much less dramatic than the first one. ​ It is crucial to remember not to pick at flakes and scabs, annoying as they may be. You have to let them fall off on their own since you risk leaving the tattooed area in patches of pigment if you scratch them off. ​ Days 15-42 After the scabs have fallen off, the pigment will appear much lighter than what it was right after the procedure. Surface healing is considered over once the peeling stops, but internal healing takes about 6-8 weeks since that is the estimated time needed for deep tissue recovery. ​ Once the 6 weeks have passed, you can book a touch-up with your tech and fix any possible imperfection that may have occurred during the healing process.

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